The commissioning process can be confusing and daunting for new customers, so here is a simple guide to commissioning a piece from me!

step one: select your commission type

be sure to pay close attention to sample images and description of the service so that you know what you are paying for!

step two: email details

after selecting the kind of commission you want, email me at to send a description of what you want me to create. Include any reference pictures, poses, or concepts that you want me to use. If you want a physical copy of your piece upon completion, please let me know and I will negotiate any additional fees (shipping, handling, material costs, etc).

Step three: checkout

once you have purchased a service, and sent me your request via email, I can get started! I will send you initial sketches and progress photos to ensure the piece is to your liking.

step 4: results and delivery

once the piece is finished, I will send a high quality digital file of the piece to you. If you have requested a physical copy of your commissioned piece, I will mail it to you as quickly as possible!